TOMORROW IS MY LAST DAY! I can't wait! I am so tired of this lemonade. In fact, regular lemon + water + sugar lemonade would be a welcome change from master cleanse lemonade. I could have some herbal, naturally decaffeinated tea. But without sugar or honey or milk in it, I really have no desire to drink tea. So, lemonade and water it is. FOR ONLY ONE DAY LONGER!
On Thursday I'll post my total weight lost from the cleanse, so be on the look out for that.
Foods I can't wait to consume:
-double stuffed Oreo blast from Sonic
-hot dogs
-coffee from Artsy Fartsy cafe (newly opened)
-coffee in general
-sandwich from Jason's Deli (newly opened)
-drunken noodles
-chicken wings
-crab cakes
What delicious foods do you love that aren't on my list? Let me know in the comments!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 8
Today I went to a friend's house for Memorial Day. Was a little worried I was going to get interrogated by his parents about the diet. Not because they're awful, interrogative people, but because they're parents. I can totally understand, and would even expect, parents not approving of a diet where you don't eat for 10 days. Luckily, they were supportive. They even offered helpful post-diet tips. They're big fans of South Beach. Don't know if I'll do it, but they were talking about how summer is the best time to do South Beach because there are tons of markets with fresh fruits and veggies. I usually eat frozen veggies and things like fruit cups. But after this diet I definitely think I'm going to start eating more fresh produce.
Speaking of eating fresh produce, I am almost done with the diet! I mentioned in my last post that I'll be starting the Ease Out on Thursday, which means I'll be putting the juicer to good use soon. We so excited!
Speaking of eating fresh produce, I am almost done with the diet! I mentioned in my last post that I'll be starting the Ease Out on Thursday, which means I'll be putting the juicer to good use soon. We so excited!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 7
This morning I woke up with no energy. Absolutely none. Getting out of bed was difficult. Even stirring in my chair was hard. I think this happened because I didn't drink enough lemonade yesterday. Note to self: DRINK MORE LEMONADE. I wasn't very active yesterday but my caloric intake was definitely too low. So downed a half of a bottle of lemonade this morning and felt a little better shortly.
I can't wait to consume something other than lemonade. On Thursday I start the ease out. This is what it consists of:
Ease out day 1: orange juice (fresh orange juice & maple syrup)
Ease out day 2: fruit & veggie juice (60/40 veggie to fruit ratio preferred) - or broth
Ease out day 3: living foods, which means no processed foods, meat or dairy
I've already looked up some juice recipes and have a grocery list planned. I found a great website with carrot juice recipes, instructions, and more info: So excited to make veggie/fruit juice!
I can't wait to consume something other than lemonade. On Thursday I start the ease out. This is what it consists of:
Ease out day 1: orange juice (fresh orange juice & maple syrup)
Ease out day 2: fruit & veggie juice (60/40 veggie to fruit ratio preferred) - or broth
Ease out day 3: living foods, which means no processed foods, meat or dairy
I've already looked up some juice recipes and have a grocery list planned. I found a great website with carrot juice recipes, instructions, and more info: So excited to make veggie/fruit juice!
Master Cleanse - Day 6
One thing I hate about this diet: you can't eat food. You can't have anything other than lemonade. I know that's the whole point, but I can't even have coffee! I can't go to a cafe and hang out because I'm not going to buy anything. I can't go to the new restaurant in town. I can't eat frozen yogurt with my boyfriend before we see a movie. I love food so much, and a lot of my life revolves around food or drink in some way. If this were weight watchers or something I could just make up the points somewhere else, but this isn't, and I can't.
So, ya know, other than being bored because I can't eat anything, diet's still going well. Still losing some weight. My weight loss has tapered a little bit. I might try the saltwater flush to kick things up a notch. Haven't decided yet. A friend of mine who just finished the cleanse said it was AWFUL the first time, but that the second time wasn't as bad. He said that he'd heard that it gets easier the farther into the cleanse you are because they're less to flush out and you don't spend as much time glued to your toilet. Like I said, I might try it, but haven't committed to the idea yet. I'll let you all know if I change my mind.
So, ya know, other than being bored because I can't eat anything, diet's still going well. Still losing some weight. My weight loss has tapered a little bit. I might try the saltwater flush to kick things up a notch. Haven't decided yet. A friend of mine who just finished the cleanse said it was AWFUL the first time, but that the second time wasn't as bad. He said that he'd heard that it gets easier the farther into the cleanse you are because they're less to flush out and you don't spend as much time glued to your toilet. Like I said, I might try it, but haven't committed to the idea yet. I'll let you all know if I change my mind.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 5
Well friends, we are at the half way point. I haven't felt like giving up at any point during the diet but now I CAN'T give up. I'm at the half way point! I'm almost done! If I give up now that would be such a waste.
Let's talk about the herbal stimulants, aka laxatives. I won't get too detailed, but the easily grossed out should probably stop reading now. Every night I have to take an herbal stimulant. Every morning I am surprised that there is anything to stimulate. I mean, I haven't eaten in days. How the heck is there anything in there!? But I guess this is a cleanse and my body is finding things to clean out. Including my bowels. The herbal stimulants have been... odd.
Night 1 - This was the night before day 1, because that's when you start taking the stimulants. I didn't immediately go upon waking up. I thought that maybe I should up my dosage, but since it was only the first night I decided to give it another try.
Night 2 - I woke up, had some minor cramps, relieved myself, felt better and went to back to sleep. I was expecting cramps, so this was a good night.
Night 3 - I woke up, had cramps, was unable to relieve myself, went back to bed, the pain increased and I felt even worse, I finally got that certain grumble in my stomach and was able to relieve myself and go back to bed.
Night 4 & 5 - Just like night 2.
So, in general, the stimulants have been working out okay. They've just been kind of inconsistent. I could try switching to an herbal tea or a different brand but I've already got these so I'll just stick with it.
Let's talk about the herbal stimulants, aka laxatives. I won't get too detailed, but the easily grossed out should probably stop reading now. Every night I have to take an herbal stimulant. Every morning I am surprised that there is anything to stimulate. I mean, I haven't eaten in days. How the heck is there anything in there!? But I guess this is a cleanse and my body is finding things to clean out. Including my bowels. The herbal stimulants have been... odd.
Night 1 - This was the night before day 1, because that's when you start taking the stimulants. I didn't immediately go upon waking up. I thought that maybe I should up my dosage, but since it was only the first night I decided to give it another try.
Night 2 - I woke up, had some minor cramps, relieved myself, felt better and went to back to sleep. I was expecting cramps, so this was a good night.
Night 3 - I woke up, had cramps, was unable to relieve myself, went back to bed, the pain increased and I felt even worse, I finally got that certain grumble in my stomach and was able to relieve myself and go back to bed.
Night 4 & 5 - Just like night 2.
So, in general, the stimulants have been working out okay. They've just been kind of inconsistent. I could try switching to an herbal tea or a different brand but I've already got these so I'll just stick with it.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 4
There's something I forgot to post yesterday. My boyfriend bought me flowers! He said they were because I've been hungry and cranky at night so he bought these to make me happy and feel better. I told you all, being home at night is the worst time! The flowers are beautiful. :) I guess this makes up for him ordering pizza on Monday.

No other real news to report. Diet's going well. I'm still losing some weight. I haven't cheated. There's cayenne in my lemonade. Things have been going pretty smoothly!
I do feel like I have a lot more control over the urge to eat. I don't feel the need to eat nearly as much. Wondering if this will turn out to be a bad thing in the long run. Hope I don't end up forgetting to eat and skipping meals. I find that kind of unlikely, though. I love food and eating way too much.
Apparently I didn't have unregistered/anonymous commenting enabled but now I do so comment away!

No other real news to report. Diet's going well. I'm still losing some weight. I haven't cheated. There's cayenne in my lemonade. Things have been going pretty smoothly!
I do feel like I have a lot more control over the urge to eat. I don't feel the need to eat nearly as much. Wondering if this will turn out to be a bad thing in the long run. Hope I don't end up forgetting to eat and skipping meals. I find that kind of unlikely, though. I love food and eating way too much.
Apparently I didn't have unregistered/anonymous commenting enabled but now I do so comment away!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 3
I added the cayenne back to my lemonade. I checked the website to see what the smallest recommended amount was, and that's 1/8 tsp per day. Over 6 bottles that's really not too bad. You can barely taste it, so I was able to deal with it all day.
Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day. The hunger cravings are getting better. Being home at night is still the worst part. Did have a craving for a steak today. Tender, juicy, succulent steak. Thankfully, that quickly passed.
I won't be updating you all on my weight loss today. You'll have to read my final post to see what my total weight loss is! But let me assure you - I am losing weight every day and it's great! Really helps to keep me motivated.
Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day. The hunger cravings are getting better. Being home at night is still the worst part. Did have a craving for a steak today. Tender, juicy, succulent steak. Thankfully, that quickly passed.
I won't be updating you all on my weight loss today. You'll have to read my final post to see what my total weight loss is! But let me assure you - I am losing weight every day and it's great! Really helps to keep me motivated.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 2
I hate watching people eat food. You want food so much more when you can't have it. Yesterday my boyfriend Brian got pizza for dinner. PIZZA!?!?! First of all, that's my second favorite food. Second, could he have gotten anything that smells or looks better? No. I don't think so.
Day 2 was a little better than day 1. Every day gets a little easier. :) Also, I kind of cheated and didn't put cayenne in my lemonade. Made it MUCH more enjoyable. I'm bad, I know. But at least I haven't eaten food real! I plan on adding some more in tomorrow, and trying to find an ideal balance of 'what I'm supposed to have' and taste.
This diet is off to a promising start. In fact, I've lost 1.6 lbs! Already! I weighted myself yesterday morning, and today (just to see if anything had changed) and I'd lost 1.6 lbs! Yay! I mean, that could be all I lose. We'll see. But it definitely encourages me to keep going.
UPDATE: I can't do math, I actually lost 2.6lbs! What's up, instant results?!
Have any questions/comments/words of encouragement? Leave a comment!
Day 2 was a little better than day 1. Every day gets a little easier. :) Also, I kind of cheated and didn't put cayenne in my lemonade. Made it MUCH more enjoyable. I'm bad, I know. But at least I haven't eaten food real! I plan on adding some more in tomorrow, and trying to find an ideal balance of 'what I'm supposed to have' and taste.
This diet is off to a promising start. In fact, I've lost 1.6 lbs! Already! I weighted myself yesterday morning, and today (just to see if anything had changed) and I'd lost 1.6 lbs! Yay! I mean, that could be all I lose. We'll see. But it definitely encourages me to keep going.
UPDATE: I can't do math, I actually lost 2.6lbs! What's up, instant results?!
Have any questions/comments/words of encouragement? Leave a comment!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Master Cleanse - Day 1
Not gonna lie, I am hungry. I really want some food. Went to the grocery store with the boyfriend to get spring water and everything. looked. awesome. Hoping that chugging some lemonade will make me feel better.
Speaking of lemonade, the cayenne is a real kick in the pants. You drink the lemonade, then it's just HOT. You don't taste cayenne, you taste HOT. I was worried about not drinking coffee at work but the cayenne kept me up. No joke. I think you're allowed to kind of tailor it to your taste, but I think I'll just leave it the way it is. Maybe just a smidge less.
Honestly, day 1 hasn't been too difficult. I figured that being home after work would be the worst part - and it is. I have all kinds of wonderful food, and it's dinner time for my boyfriend, so of course I want to eat. In the morning I'm busy getting ready for work, so it's not a big deal. At work I'm so busy that sometimes I don't eat anyways, so that's not a big deal. But being home after work... definitely hard.
Speaking of lemonade, the cayenne is a real kick in the pants. You drink the lemonade, then it's just HOT. You don't taste cayenne, you taste HOT. I was worried about not drinking coffee at work but the cayenne kept me up. No joke. I think you're allowed to kind of tailor it to your taste, but I think I'll just leave it the way it is. Maybe just a smidge less.
Honestly, day 1 hasn't been too difficult. I figured that being home after work would be the worst part - and it is. I have all kinds of wonderful food, and it's dinner time for my boyfriend, so of course I want to eat. In the morning I'm busy getting ready for work, so it's not a big deal. At work I'm so busy that sometimes I don't eat anyways, so that's not a big deal. But being home after work... definitely hard.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Master Cleanse
It's been almost a month since my last post. Seems like a good time for a new one, right?
Well, I've decided to do the Master Cleanse. I'm not going to go into all the details, but you basically drink 'lemonade' for 10 days as a form of cleanse. You then reintroduce solids over a 3 day period. For more info, visit the Master Cleanse website. Am I hoping to lose some weight? Heck yeah! Am I expecting to be life changingly skinny? No. I'm doing this to kick start a healthier lifestyle.
I'll be documenting my journey here. At the end I'll post any weight I've lost, self discoveries I've made (yeah right), etc.
I'm starting the cleanse tomorrow, so today I bought all of my materials: organic lemons, grade B organic maple syrup, organic cayenne pepper, spring water, and a juicer. I actually bought a Black & Decker 'juice extractor' which blends the heck out of the fruit (or veggie or whatever you're juicing) and strains the juice. I read some reviews of machine juicers and a lot of them said you get more juice with a hand juicer. So, I figured a blender/juicer would get me the most juice with the least effort. I made some concentrate tonight (lemon juice + maple syrup) and the juicer worked great. Also, the concentrate tastes pretty good. Since you don't put much cayenne pepper in a glass (1/10 tsp) I don't think a watered down version will taste bad at all.
Tonight I will actually take the first step of the cleanse by taking an herbal stimulant. Yes, that means exactly what you think it does. I have to do this every night. I will NOT be doing the salt water flush (read about it here). It's optional, and sounds absolutely terrible, so I'm skipping it.
Leave me a comment and wish me luck/chastise me for my stupidity in doing this!
Well, I've decided to do the Master Cleanse. I'm not going to go into all the details, but you basically drink 'lemonade' for 10 days as a form of cleanse. You then reintroduce solids over a 3 day period. For more info, visit the Master Cleanse website. Am I hoping to lose some weight? Heck yeah! Am I expecting to be life changingly skinny? No. I'm doing this to kick start a healthier lifestyle.
I'll be documenting my journey here. At the end I'll post any weight I've lost, self discoveries I've made (yeah right), etc.
I'm starting the cleanse tomorrow, so today I bought all of my materials: organic lemons, grade B organic maple syrup, organic cayenne pepper, spring water, and a juicer. I actually bought a Black & Decker 'juice extractor' which blends the heck out of the fruit (or veggie or whatever you're juicing) and strains the juice. I read some reviews of machine juicers and a lot of them said you get more juice with a hand juicer. So, I figured a blender/juicer would get me the most juice with the least effort. I made some concentrate tonight (lemon juice + maple syrup) and the juicer worked great. Also, the concentrate tastes pretty good. Since you don't put much cayenne pepper in a glass (1/10 tsp) I don't think a watered down version will taste bad at all.
Tonight I will actually take the first step of the cleanse by taking an herbal stimulant. Yes, that means exactly what you think it does. I have to do this every night. I will NOT be doing the salt water flush (read about it here). It's optional, and sounds absolutely terrible, so I'm skipping it.
Leave me a comment and wish me luck/chastise me for my stupidity in doing this!
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