Friday, June 3, 2011

Master Cleanse Ease Out - Day 2

About a quarter of the way through the juicing process.

Today was juicing day. We had a storm last night and lost power. I was freaking out, thinking 'What if the power isn't back on tomorrow? What if I can't use the juice? What am I going to eat!?' I could see the blog post: 'Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have skipped day 2 of the Ease Out and gone right to live foods.' Luckily, the power came back early in the morning and I was able to juice my fruits and veggies.

I pulled a few recipes off of and added them together. These were my ingredients:

8 Large Fresh Cleaned Carrots
4 Large Fresh Cleaned Celery Stalks
4 Large Peeled Bananas
2 Large Fresh Granny Smith Green Apples
2 Large Fresh Skinless Cucumbers
2 Cups Of Plump Ripe Strawberries
2 Large Fresh Peeled Oranges

This was supposed to make about 6 servings (not sure what a 'serving' is but I assume it's a cup/glass, so around 8oz).

Rainbow of pulp.

Looks at those colors!

The boyfriend thought it smelled bad, but I thought it smelled fine. Either way, it tasted amazing. You could taste each individual ingredient, but they came together to make a terrific blend of fruit and vegetable.

Juicing: success.

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