Saturday, May 28, 2011

Master Cleanse - Day 5

Well friends, we are at the half way point. I haven't felt like giving up at any point during the diet but now I CAN'T give up. I'm at the half way point! I'm almost done! If I give up now that would be such a waste.

Let's talk about the herbal stimulants, aka laxatives. I won't get too detailed, but the easily grossed out should probably stop reading now. Every night I have to take an herbal stimulant. Every morning I am surprised that there is anything to stimulate. I mean, I haven't eaten in days. How the heck is there anything in there!? But I guess this is a cleanse and my body is finding things to clean out. Including my bowels. The herbal stimulants have been... odd.

Night 1 - This was the night before day 1, because that's when you start taking the stimulants. I didn't immediately go upon waking up. I thought that maybe I should up my dosage, but since it was only the first night I decided to give it another try.

Night 2 - I woke up, had some minor cramps, relieved myself, felt better and went to back to sleep. I was expecting cramps, so this was a good night.

Night 3 - I woke up, had cramps, was unable to relieve myself, went back to bed, the pain increased and I felt even worse, I finally got that certain grumble in my stomach and was able to relieve myself and go back to bed.

Night 4 & 5 - Just like night 2.

So, in general, the stimulants have been working out okay. They've just been kind of inconsistent. I could try switching to an herbal tea or a different brand but I've already got these so I'll just stick with it.

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